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Volunteers Serving Southern Arizona
League of Women Voters GT logo

Empowering voters and defending democracy in Southern Arizona since 1941

We are a League for ALL

The League of Women Voters is an activist, grassroots organization that believes ALL of us should play a critical role in democracy.
We do not endorse or oppose political candidates or parties at any level of government.
Our advocacy positions are based on the merits of each issue, after careful study and consensus.

Housing insecurity


 February 18, 2025                       Register

AZ Capital building

March 6, 2025
Register to attend the event in Phoenix              Legislative Day registration  
Register to ride the bus from Tucson to Phoenix         Bus sign-up

Homeless and Hungry
Issues & Eggs logo
ISSUES AND EGGS "Safe Lives, Safe Homes"
Examining the Connection Between Domestic Violence and Housing
March 7, 2025 Issues & Eggs Registration 

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Advocacy and Action!

How you can 

Make Your Voice Heard

What we stand for 

League Positions

Learn about 

Advocacy with the League

Use Request To Speak to express your position on bills in the Arizona legislature.
The Advocacy in Action Newsletter has information about bills that the League has a position on.

Click on Make Your Voice Heard to learn more.

League Members' Advocacy:

Our annual Legislative Lobby Day is March 6, 2025.
Members from around the state will gather at the Arizona Capitol and advocate directly with their legislators for the League positions on targeted bills.

League members are invited to  join an Issue Team
**New issues needing your advocacy**

 is urging members to oppose the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would require citizenship documentation to register to vote even though voters in every state are already required to affirm or verify their citizenship when registering. This will result in more obstacles to vote for registered citizens. Click here for more information.

Action Needed! LWVAZ is urging members to submit an RTS to oppose HB2703.  HB2703 makes it HARDER to vote by mail. It eliminates emergency voting centers, requires ID for mail ballot drop-offs, and forces voters in large counties to reaffirm their mail-in ballot request every year—while rural voters only do so every 4 years. HB2703 will be heard in a special hearing on Monday, Feb 3, at 4:00 pm in the House Federalism, Military Affairs & Elections Committee. To learn how to submit a "Request to Speak" (RTS) and list your name on support or oppose position on state bills, go to this linked google doc.

LWV Arizona

Advocacy in Action Newsletter January 28, 2025

LWV Greater Tucson

2024 Citizen's Directory of Elected Officials

The League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson serves the following communities:  Ajo, Amando, Arivaca, Benson, Bisbee, Catalina/Saddlebrooke, Cortaro, Dateland, Dateland/Roll, Douglas, Elgin, Fort Huachuca, Green Valley, Huachuca City, Lukeville, Mammoth, Marana, McNeal, Mount Lemmon, Naco, Nogalas, Oracle, Oro Valley, Patagonia, Pearce, Rillito, Rio Rico, Safford, Sahuarita, San Luis, San Manuel, Sasabe, Sells, Sierra Vista, Somerton, Sonoita, South Tucson, Tacna, Tombstone, Topawa, Tubac, Tucson, Vail, Welton, Wilcox, Yuma

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