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Date: 8/27/2024
Subject: Ready Set Vote Community Partners
From: Linda Maccabe

~~first_name~~  ~~last_name~~ August, 2024


People are angry, the country is divided, misinformation is rampant, and voters are sick of it. 

As election-generated noise swells, the League of Women Voters is uniquely situated to provide

voters with a calm place to get practical information that will make voting less stressful. 

We believe that the best motivation for voting is knowledge: of the issues, of who is running

and of the difference your vote can make.

National Elections
We are writing to introduce the League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson’s (LWVGT) new initiative, ReadySetVote2024.  Between now and November we are laser focused on the upcoming election.
By all accounts, it will be one of the most significant National elections in our history.  In response, LWVGT has created a fresh initiative to help our friends and neighbors be well prepared and
confident this November.

Local Elections

Our new website, sponsored by LWVGT, is a place where people can find and share straightforward, unbiased information.  Our aim is to help make clear what may seem confusing to many people as they approach the coming election.  
We serve the Greater Tucson area and so we will place focused attention on local elections that
don’t get a lot of coverage.  We will be looking at School Board elections, funding initiatives, Pima County measures and more.  We don’t endorse candidates but will evaluate State propositions.
Why We Are Contacting You
With this letter, we invite you to join us and others by becoming a Community Partner (CP) to help spread the word.  Our goal is to generate the largest, informed voter turnout ever this coming November.  We need community leaders to join in, become Community Partners and empower voters through the Ready-Set-Vote network.  As a Partner with us you can help get the message out to your friends, neighbors, employees and volunteers.  Our plan is to involve community leaders like yourself, church memberships, local school districts, government, to name a few of our community outreach contacts. Here’s what becoming a Community Partner entails:  
  Our Role:
        As we approach the election, we will provide our Partners with five user-friendly newsletters
delivered to your in-box on a variety of topics including voting  reminders, thoughts on voting,
demystifying the ballot, notice of in-person events, and election wild cards.         
Your Role:
When you become a CP, you commit to actively and widely sharing the election and voter news 
you receive from us via a newsletter, directly with colleagues, friends, neighbors and associates. 
Together we can help our community block out the noise of discord and focus on the real reason 
for voting:  making democracy work for the good of all.
To do so respond to this email and send us contact information for the person best positioned to
accept this invitation on behalf of your organization.  For more information, we can meet with you
digitally or in person. The email to respond to is

With thanks, 

Linda Maccabe Voter Services Chairperson
Murray and Sue DeArmond ReadySetVote2024, Committee Co-Chairs
Kathy Lalley 
  League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson
Empowering voters and defending Democracy in Southern Arizona since 1941.
The League is a non-partisan organization which neither supports nor opposes
candidates or political parties.  We envision a democracy where every person
has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and confidence to participate.                               800 N. Swan, Suite 126                             520-372-7652
Tucson, Arizona 85711