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League of Women Voters GT logo
Date: 2/10/2025
Subject: This Week in Greater Tucson - February 10, 2025
From: League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.


February 10, 2025
 What is This Week in Greater Tucson?  This Week in Greater Tucson (TWGT) will arrive in your inbox on most Monday mornings providing a quick overview of what is happening in the LWVGT in the coming week, the links for more information, and the links to the virtual meetings.  It will also provide information on events that may be of interest happening within the State of AZ and LWVUS.  
 If you have content you wish to share with This Week in Greater Tucson, please complete the TWGT Form . To access the site, first you must log in as a member. Please note: the deadline for submissions is Noon the Saturday before Monday's email.
Note: To access links in the This Week in Greater Tucson, members first must log onto the website.  

Doris Alexander
JanAnn Ellison
Barbara Kraus
Amamda Morgan
Laura Milner
Carolyn Pope
Vanessa Roberts
Rebecca Snyder
Barbara Starrett
Kerry White

Black History Month

414 Proposition
What is Proposition 414? If you are a Tucson resident
you will want to find out!

If approved by Tucson voters, Proposition 414 would add a new half-cent sales tax to raise $800 million over ten years. This mail-in ballot election will be held in March. Find out what the funds would be used for and other information by attending a Town Hall meeting. There are two remaining dates and locations to choose from. All are at 5:30-7 PM on:

  • Tuesday, Feb. 11 at the Udall Center, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Road
  • Wednesday, Feb. 12 at the Liggins Center, 2160 N. Sixth Ave.

Club Express
The new LWVGT mobile app is now available. Using the app on your mobile device eliminates having to enter "" in a browser! You can also browse the website with added functionality like Mobile Channels, Meet Up, Direct Messaging, and Push Notifications. No worries: it's simple to install. 

To install the Club Express application on your mobile device:

  1. Download and install the Club Express app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.  
  2. Open the Club Express app, and log in with the same email address and password that you use to log on to the website from your browser.
For more information or help, contact

Last Chance to Nominate Someone! Today is the deadline....
Can you think of a League member who deserves special recognition?
Here is your chance to make that happen!
LWVGT honors a League member who, during the course of the League's year, stood out among LWVGT volunteers in her/his contributions to the work of the League.  The award is presented at the Annual Meeting. Details regarding the award are available at LWVGT Awards.   Nominations for the Leaguer of the Year may be made by emailing by February 10, 2025. 

LWVGT is an all-volunteer organization.  
Come meet new members, greet old friends, 
and work together to strengthen our democracy!
Volunteer opportunities are now open for several upcoming events.
To check out any of these events and volunteer, please follow these steps:
1. Login to the website 
2. Find 'Get Involved' on the menu 
3. Click on 'Volunteer' 
For more information on volunteering for one of the events on the left side of the page, click on 'Volunteering.' 
To view specific dates and times for each opportunity, click on the 'View More' arrow on the left side. 
If you have any questions, please email 
Thank you for your time and helping our League keep democracy going strong!
  • HELP REGISTER VOTERS by volunteering for a Voter Services Voter Registration event.
  • PUBLIC PROGRAM - HOUSING INSECURITY - February 18 6-7 PM (Webinar) need a Timekeeper
  • TABLING AT THE TUCSON FESTIVAL OF BOOKS - University of Arizona Mall - March 15-16

    - Become a League Friend to new members 
    - Public Programs Coordinator
    - Program and Activities volunteer

Libraries are an essential part of our community, 
and a great partner in our programs to educate the public. 
Now the libraries are asking for feedback from the communities they serve.  
Please take a few minutes to compete their survey. 
Pima County Public Library 
Community Survey

Survey ends March 14


LWV Oath
LWVUS updated its Oath to Democracy on January 17, 2025.  
Click link to the read the updated Oath. 


Have you noticed that there are a lot of Gun Violence
Prevention Committee Meetings lately?
That's because it's a serious, critical issue
and we have Leaguers who are determined
to do something about it. 
Join one of these meetings to find out what they are doing!

Gun Violence Prevention Committee Meeting
Monday, February 10
3 PM

Membership Committee Meeting
Monday, February 10
6 PM


Website Task Force
Monday, February 10
6 PM

DEI Committee Meeting
Wednesday, February 12
6 PM

DEI Book Discussion Group
Special Session
Thursday, February 13
6 PM
The Message by Ta-Nehisi
Section I
Journalist is Not a Luxury - p 1-20 


The Environmental Issues Committee
What is I-11 and should the public care?
Here's a hint: I-11 is a proposed superhighway that would
be routed through many of our communities and 
some of our most important Sonoran Desert lands. 
This is a project that would affect all of us, one way or another. 

Carolyn Campbell, Board member,
Coalition for Sonoran Desert Conservation
Tuesday, February 18
1 PM 

Public Programs
Housing Insecurity in Greater Tucson
Tuesday, February 18
6 PM
Registration Required

Communications Committee
Wednesday, February 19
6 PM

DEI Book Discussion Group
Special Session
Thursday, February 20
6 PM
The Message by Ta-Nehisi
Section II
On Pharaohs - p 21-61

Help New Citizens Register to Vote
Friday, February 21
10:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Evo A DeConcini Courthouse 2nd Fl - Naturalization
405 W Congress St, 2nd Fl
To register voters, a LWV member must have attended registration training in the past two years. Questions? We have answers! Please contact

Technology/Equipment Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 25
10 AM

DEI Outreach Committee
Wednesday, February 26
1:30 PM

DEI Book Discussion Group
Special Session
Thursday, February 27
6 PM
The Message by Ta-Nehisi
Section III
Bearing the Flaming Cross - p 64-111

Issues & Eggs Breakfast Forum
Safe Lives, Safe Homes
Examining the connection between domestic violence and housing
Friday, March 7
8-10:30 AM
Doubletree by Hilton, Tucson - Reid Park
445 S Alvernon Way
Remember: registration is required before Saturday, March 01, 2025 at 12:00 AM

 Thursday, March 6, 2025

Arizona Capitol
1700 W Washington St
Phoenix, AZ 85007


LWV Arizona is hosting Legislative Lobby Day at the Capitol on

Thursday March 6, 2025.

This event is only for members.

Please ensure that your membership is current and your league affiliation is accurate.

Inactive members' registration will be canceled.

The last date to register is February 26.


Click Here for event information

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