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Date: 2/6/2025
Subject: Advocacy Committee meeting Tomorrow
From: Lovely Ganthier

Greetings Advocacy Committee Members,
We have a meeting schedule tomorrow, February 7th at 6;30pm on Zoom. Here is the agenda:
Legislative Lobby Day
Reviving Local Units
Advocacy Committee After April
Tracking Bills
Presentation on our positions by Mary Price
I am interesting in bringing back local units, if you are interested in leading one please let me know. I will also be scheduling a meeting to go over local ballot initiatives for the upcoming election, This meeting will involve some housekeeping and planning. Please let me know if you'd like to see any other items added.
Here is the zoom link:
See you there. Thank you.
All the best,
Lovely Ganthier
Advocacy Chair
League of Women Voters Greater Tucson

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