Homelessness Initiatives Update
County committees are focused on 3 areas: Criminal Justice (transition center), Housing, and General / Mental Health Care.
Vision is to support transition to permanent housing.
City of Tucson has had the Housing First in place since Oct 2021.
Attachment to the agenda is a 30-page detailed report of the homeless count on Jan 24th. The report shares there are about 1,100 unsheltered homeless in the county. The report includes detailed information on the identified homeless population and lists 80 agencies and the number of beds available and how many were occupied on Jan 24th.
Introduction to the report states: “The number of persons experiencing homelessness in Pima County has increased significantly during and following the COVID -19 pandemic. This is in large part due to the rising rental costs, a shortage of affordable housing, overall reduction in shelter bed capacity compared to pre-pandemic years, and systemic inequities.
Access the 2023 Point In Time Report for Persons Experiencing Homelessness and Shelter / Supportive Housing Utilization in Pima County : https://pima.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12146862&GUID=5EA3AD7F-8681-4F57-9B8A-86D9880FD004