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Observer Corps Report: Tucson Commission on Equitable Housing and Development

Published on 8/7/2023

Government body: Tucson Commission on Equitable Housing and Development (CEHD), established on July 7, 2020 by Ordinance No. 11760. The CEHD reviews, investigates, and recommends actions to the Mayor and City Council, based on research, data, and inclusive input, to increase housing affordability.

Meeting date: August 3, 2023

Meeting Highlights:

• Announcement of the Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant for $50 million: this is a competitive grant program that provides flexible resources for local leaders to help transfer high-poverty, distressed neighborhoods into mixed-income neighborhoods with affordable housing, safe streets, and good schools.

• Point In Time Count Comparison: There was a presentation on the Point in Time count of persons experiencing homelessness in Pima County from 2018-2023. Due to COVID, there was no count in 2021.  Not only are the total numbers rising, but the number of people experiencing homelessness who did not have shelter is also increasing.

• Housing First: There was a presentation of the Tucson’s Housing First Program including services provided, the Homeless Protocol Taskforce and the Encampment Assessment Protocol.

Observer: Dorian Dodson