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Observer Corps Report: Tucson City Council

Published on 8/21/2023

Government Body: Tucson City Council
Meeting date Aug 8, 2023

The City Council Approved:

• The Mayor and Council approved a request to enter into Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs) with the Cities of Peoria and Scottsdale and the Town of Gilbert (collectively, the Valley Cities) for the storage, recovery, and exchange of Central Arizona Project (CAP) water. Between 2014 and 2017, the City had a similar agreement with the City of Phoenix

• The Mayor and Council adopted an ordinance authorizing the vacation of the segment of S. 3rd Avenue between 22nd Street and 21st Street, declaring that segment as surplus property, closing that portion of the road, and authorizing the Parks and Recreation Department to incorporate it into the park.

Parks and Recreation started a master planning process for Santa Rita Park in January 2021 that resulted in a new master plan approved by the Mayor and Council on August 9, 2022. The master plan included closing 3rd Avenue from 22nd Street to 21st Street so that space could be assimilated into the park.

During the Call to the Audience, several people spoke about their concerns regarding how the park improvements will affect the homeless population that is currently using the park. The project is still in the Design Phase.  The mayor directed city staff to work with community advocates in developing plans as to how resources will be provided to the homeless during implementation of the Master Plan.

Other Items of Interest:

Due to the continuing difficulty of some Boards and Commissions to have quorums, the Mayor and Council  approved an Ordinance creating a new Tucson Code (T.C.) § 10-140, defining different quorum requirements for two specified categories of Boards, Committees or Commissions (BCCs): (1) for Category 1 BCCs, a majority of the members of the BCC actually appointed and serving; (2) for Category 2 BCCs, a majority of the authorized membership.

Public Comments:

Several people spoke in favor of the City taking over the Eastside YMCA Skatepark.  They described the community of skateboarders as inclusive, diverse, and caring.
Several people expressed concern for the development of the new Master Plan of Santa Rita Park and how it will affect the homeless.
One person brought up the Federal Bill HR3557, the American Broadband Bill. The Bill would eliminate local control and any environmental or historical considerations.  Businesses would have unlimited access to city right of ways. They requested the Mayor and Council oppose the bill.

Observer: Ginny Simontacchi