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                                 Volunteers Serving Southern Arizona


League Podcasts Aim to Dispel Misinformation

DEMOCRACY TRUTH: A Podcast Journey with the League of Women Voters of Arizona

    Launched by the League of Women Voters of Arizona (LWVAZ) with support from a grant from the League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS), the Democracy Truth initiative aims to dispel mis- and disinformation about Arizona's election processes.  The project uses podcasts to provides accurate information about the election system to a broader and more diverse audience.  

This endeavor has been both a learning and collaborative experience,  led by Janet Kerby and Cindy Walsh and with the participation of Jan Felton,  Suzanne Miller, April Lewis, and Gitelle Seer.  

Democracy Truth has released the following episodes:

Vote 411: Your Guide to Informed Voting - a 6 1/2 minute podcast first aired on June 27

Quién Puede Registrarse para Votar y Cómo (Who Can Register to Vote and How) - a 7 1/2  minute podcast first aired June 27

Vote Local:The Power of Voting Down Ballot - a 4 minute podcast first aired June 20

Empower Your Voice: The Importance of Primary Voting in Arizona - a 7 minute podcast first aired April 30

Citizens in Charge: The Power of Ballot Measures - an eleven minute podcast explaining the different types of ballot measures, the process for getting one on the ballot, and how to become informed before casting your vote -  a 10 minute podcast first aired April 19

ERIC: the Secret Weapon Against Voter Fraud - a 7 minute podcast describing the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and how the help protect voter rolls and maintain with election integrity.  First aired March 15

Skip the Line: Your Guide to Early Voting - a 9 minute podcast first aired on March 8

Casting a Vote My Way: Tips for Arizona Independents on Voting Procedures - a 7 minute podcast first aired on February 12

Decoding Arizona's Voter Registration Process - a 6 minute podcast first aired on January 31